Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 22-26: My Laaste Skryfwerk

The past few days have been great. We've gotten lunch with Mark's friends (Alron, Bean, Dzino, Tshepo, and others), watched the Olympics (one of our favorites being the ball and hoop gymnastics), had a drawing contest with the Parker girls, watched some movies, watched some really weird YouTube videos, had a dance party, and stayed up 'til 5:00am having good conversation and laughs. We've slept in, gone to church, gone to Mark's primary school, watched a soccer game in a township, and had some awesome lunches and linners (as Corné would call it).

We've slept in a double size bed...together, eaten chip bunnies, and bought vacuum-packed biltong (hopefully it passes). We've seen the Big Hole, skated the Maloof again, driven on the left side of the rode by ourselves, and discovered fizzers. Mark dropped in on a regulation size vert ramp, I tried to drop in on a regulation size vert ramp, Kyle laughed when I tried to drop in on a regulation size vert ramp. It's fair though, because I laughed uncontrollably when he destroyed a miniature baby stroller toy. He replaced it.

This whole trip has been more than we could have asked for. We have a few people to give thanks to:

-Tinus and Meisie. For taking us into their home and feeding us.
-Jeff and Lynn. For taking us in and being like parents to us. And making Mark cry with Koeksusters.
-Brent. For letting us crowd your studio apartment for a week and being our personal tour guide. Oh, and not getting mad about the computer.
-Andrew, Michelle, Keren, and Sarah. For taking us in, feeding us, and showing us "The Gods Must Be Crazy" numbers 1 and 2.
-Alron. For letting us crash at your place and steal your food.
-Ronsard. For treating us to some treats (best biltong I've had).
-Corné and Andre. For lunch, linner, desert, coffee, tea, and letting us sleep at your house.
-Faith. For taking us into your home and feeding us and letting us borrow the car.
-Pam Yoko. For finding us accommodation.
-Orbitz. For giving us some decent time layovers in Chicago and London.
-BAZ Bus. For being convenient.
-Moms, Dads, family, and friends. For support and actually reading this.

We are now on our way home. See you soon America.


  1. *In an American accent*
    Gosh, thanks y'all!
    Hope the flight flies by quickly!
    O_o Andre, Corne, Pringle and Daisy.

  2. I'm sure you can do better than that daniel! You have a long flight ahead... #dontbelazytoblogattheendofaawesomeholiday

  3. Great fotos and I have to admit, our favorite is seeing the Parker girls and Mark with Mrs. Viv, although the one of Faith cooking and Daniel falling & Mark not falling were also interesting. Glad to see Kyle got to have pink Quick. Love the Big Hole fotos. Wow, it's changed a lot! Sounds like you got the full hometown tour. Anxious to see you all back in the USA.

  4. What a great trip you guys have had! Thanks for sharing it with us in words and pics! mark's dad
