Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 18: Traveling to Kimberley

Sunday morning we had breakfast at Arnold's. I know you're thinking, "You guys ate with the former governor of California?" No, we didn't. He wasn't at his South Africa house, he's too busy doing stuff like, "The Expendables 2". We just raided his kitchen. It was a good breakfast.

Afterwards, we drove up by table mountain and enjoyed the view for a while. Then we were off to the bus station. We gave Brent's car another push and weren't able to get it started. Some guys working up near table mountain had to help us get it going. I tried to film what I could of the situation.

On the way to the train station, at a stop sign, the car died. Again, we had to get out and push in the middle of traffic. Luckily, it started right away. We made it to the train station, unloaded our luggage, and said our thank you's and goodbyes to Brent. Already miss that guy.

We got our tickets, got on the bus, and were on our way to Kimberley. The ride consisted of:

-2 Crying Babies
-and 4 movies: "She's The Man", "Daddy Day Care", "Speed 2: Cruise Control", and "17 Again" (They couldn't play the first Speed movie since it had to do with a bus).

We arrived in Kimberley at about 1:30am and were picked up by Andrew, a family friend of Mark's. He took us back to his family's home and we went straight to bed. The family has been great to us by the way.


  1. Love the pictures!

  2. This makes me miss home sooooo much! Thank you so much for blogging! I've really appreciated it!

