Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 13: Escape

Tombstone Pete. That guy. We'll get to him later.

Two days ago started with another relaxed morning. It was also a rainy day. But it wasn't that bad. It just messed around with us throughout the day.

We went into town, met up with David, another one of Mark's childhood friends, and got some lunch. We went to this Eastern food place. Kyle and Brent got falafels. Mark, David, and I got bunny chows. So much food.

After lunch we went to the waterfront and just walked around for a while. Brent also took some pictures. Hopefully they come out alright.

Back to Brent's house we went to create our mission for the evening. Brent has been awesome by the way. It's great to be with a local here. We found out about some live blues music playing downtown and went for it. Tombstone Pete. That's all that mattered. This show was so awkwardly funny and horrible. The concert consisted of:

-The lead man of the main act also being the opening act.
-The second act, Tombstone Pete, flashing the crowd his chest about 5 times.
-Tombstone Pete sharing his story about having no money and gum disease in London.
-Tombstone Pete playing the same slap/percussion guitar songs over and over.
-Tombstone Pete hip thrusting the air.
-Bass McGee crazy staring some girls down.
-Us leaving during the main act.

After leaving the concert, we started walking towards the car and luckily Kyle looked to his right. Right on the other side of the glass inside this pub we were passing, a man had just puked into his hand. Right after puking into his hand, he completely lost control and puked all over the window. It was like watching an animal in a aquarium! All while this is happening, the song "Wonder Wall" was being played by a cover band inside the pub. We will never feel the same about that song. It has been a running joke in the group since it happened.

We headed home and went straight to bed.

P.S. Thank you everyone for the prayers. It means a lot to us.

P.P.S. "Bass McGee looked exactly like Toby McGuire as an evil elf king from Lord of the Rings."- Kyle


  1. Thank you for not posting a pic of said puker :-) that story made me lol! Callie

    1. I agree! Hysterical story and so thankful there was no pic!!! The visual in my head is bad enough!

    2. Although I've never heard of a fish throwing up, I guess the said puker was a show of sorts... hmmm.... I assume this was more interesting than the main act of Tombstone.
