Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 10: George Again / Day 11: Traveling to Cape Town

Yesterday we got to sleep in! Oh, it was so nice.

We woke up to Jeff cooking. He made waffles! We had cooked apples to put on them. Also some bananas and other fruit if we'd like. It was a great breakfast.

After breakfast, we got ready for the day. Mark went and visited some friends nearby while Kyle and I stayed with Jeff and Lynn. We went to a little farmer's market area and did a little shopping. While there, we met a few of Jeff and Lynn's friends and had some cool conversations. The market had a lot of local cooks, bakers, and artists selling their work. I didn't even think to take pictures though.

Jeff and Lynn took us back to their home for lunch where we made sandwiches. It was very nice to just have a basic ham sandwich. Some tomato, lettuce, avocado, mustard, etc. I'm trying to make this post as exciting as possible. It was another relax day.

The good ol' Olympics captured us after lunch and we watched it into the evening.
"U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!" -Kyle

A little later, Jeff picked up Mark and some dinner. We ate on the couches and continued to watch the Olympics. Phelps isn't doing so well. I think all three of us had Skype sessions with Moms and Dads as well.

Soon after, I went to bed.

This morning, we had a nice breakfast before going to a church service with Jeff and Lynn. Since the speaking was in Afrikaans, I didn't understand much of the message. It was out of Mark 9 though. What did come across, is that we need to consistently be reminded of how to live so it stays on our hearts.

We had a great spaghetti and salad lunch at the Holder's, packed up, and headed to our BAZ Bus pickup spot.

The drive to Cape Town is awesome. Very scenic. Beautiful fields that lead either to the ocean or to mountains. Sunflowers are everywhere, making huge patches of land golden in color. Now that it's night we can see the Cape Town city lights. The area that the lights cover is giant. I am excited for Cape Town. We have been told numerous times that it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Hopefully we've been told the truth.

Now we are at Brent's house relaxing. Goodnight.

P.S. Today, I almost entered a women's bathroom; enough to where people saw the mistake I was making. One of the people who saw was Mark. Another goof on Daniel.


  1. Beautiful scenery! With the drought right now, everything is pretty brown around here. Mark is looking pretty happy with his spaghetti dinner! Love you guys!

  2. Glad Auntie Lynne and Uncle Jeff spoiled you good. I'm sure they almost felt like they had their house full of boys back!
